Friday, July 09, 2004

... and relax

Ahhh, that's better.

A hot bubble bath, with a cold glass of Cava Rosada and grapefruit juice, does the trick when it comes to unwinding.

Work has been mostly staring at my task list and trying to divide up the jobs into trivial, boring, interesting and impossible. Guess which ones I'm going to tackle first? I also got to chat to Creepy on IM for a bit which broke the day up nicely. I promise myself little treats for each tick on the list - get this bit of code working and you can have a mug of java and read some blogs ...

Big brother tonight will be interesting. It looks like Becki is the one to go which will be a damn shame as all Ahmed ever does is smash things up when he thinks he needs some public sympathy. Becki is a communicator and a game player, which would make her ideal for the long game - it's a real shame she wasn't in from the start instead of Emma or Kitten. As far as I can tell the public animosity is because she nominated Michelle ... er, and that's a bad thing? Digital Spy are reporting that extra security is being brought in for the eviction tonight to ensure her safety - booing I can (just about) understand, but physically attacking somebody for playing a gameshow?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The booing was bizarre, but I don't think we'll see a Big Brother contestant evicted without it again, now. I do believe, however, that the physical placing of mikes in the crowd is largely to blame. It only takes one group of people away from the stage to shout, and on tv it sounds as if the entire crowd were baying for blood (I went to an eviction last year, and was really surprised to hear boos when I played back the C4 recording, as there were barely any in reality).

Also, those in the crowd can't hear what the evictee has to say - therefore booing I believe, could be a way to keep awake, warm yourself up, etc.
