Friday, June 11, 2004

Home on the range

Working at home today, like most Fridays. Mum and Dad and their dog Penny are stopping for the weekend on their way back from Swaledale and Dad is putting up a pergola in the back garden for us. Hence there is much banging and hammering through the window whilst I am banging my head against a brick wall trying to get one of the divisional directors to use a sales order spreadsheet properly. Apparently having a button to press marked 'Authorize' with a tooltip popup message of 'Click here to authorize this order' is not obvious enough and he's been trying to type directly into a protected field. I've even sent him a screen dump with a big red circle around the button that he has to click but he hasn't replied yet.

I had another nice compliment today from Eileen when I turned round an amendment to a report that she needed in 15 minutes. "What would we do without you?" - I refrained from replying "You might like to imagine that scenario and offer to pay me accordingly" ... :-)

Right, time to go and get a can of coke from the fridge, make up some figures for my time sheet. It's usually pretty accurate unless I have been bitting and batting between lots of little things like today. I mean, I can't really put "Dealing with complete numpties - 23 minutes" can I? I usually keep a log file where I can timestamp what I am doing and then dump that into an excel pivot table to get a summary by activity, but I forgot all about it yesterday. Oh well, I don't think my boss even looks at them anyway ...

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