Thursday, July 01, 2004

Some people are on the pitch ...

I *thought* I'd finished it. Wrong. Think again, boyo. A meeting with Eileen, and well, I'll let my task list for this project speak for itself :

- version number history
- unprotect purchase invoice and order no areas
- protect supplier column
- if supplier present highlight total cost in red to indicate 3rd party purchase required
- add permission to add/amend after authorization to user table for ES,JS,EA,NC
- show invoices raised in a box on the main tab within the print area
- add payment type on order summary screen, validated to IUF/SP,IOC,IOM,IAT
- if payment type is IUF/SP force entry to the payment profile
- pro-rata the total cost in client payment profile section
- add expenses chargeable yes/no
- if yes force entry to the expenses description box
- warning message if client address not entered
- password protect the database
- add amended date to the component table in the database

... and I've got to drive to our head office in Bourne End in Bucks for a meeting on Tuesday (that's 4-5 hours each way).


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