Sunday, July 04, 2004

All this and Shrek 2

A rainy sunday afternoon with nothing on the telly but tennis, so a trip to the cinema to Shrek 2 was the order of the day. It was a step up from the first film with a plot line that made some serious points about the nature of identity and conforming to people's expectations to find acceptance. Is there a shortcut to 'happy ever after', and does such a thing even exist?

The animation was simply stunning, the voice acting spot on (with Jennifer Saunders standing out as the Fairy Godmother) and of course there were plenty of gags that went over the heads of the kiddies with parodies of Alien, From Here to Eternity and Flashdance for the adults to chuckle knowingly at. Go see it now!

The sun's out now, so it could well be time to take Barney the wonderdog for a walk before it starts raining again.

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